Iain Kerr

Chief Executive Officer, Ocean Alliance

SnotBot – Drones for Whale Research

New technologies such as small drones are radically changing not only whale but ocean research. These tools are affordable, scalable, field friendly and engaging, they are also democratizing marine science - a field that has typically been expensive and as such a prerogative of the privileged.

Dr. Iain Kerr has a Bachelor of Education Degree from the University of London and a D.H.L. from the University of Southern Maine. Iain began his career at Ocean Alliance as a volunteer and has grown with the organization over the last 30 years. He is listed as author or co-author on over 65 scientific papers and has ensured that Ocean Alliance messages reach the general public through international television and films. Iain has led international conservation research efforts across the globe. As a result of exposing illegal sea cucumber fishing in the Galapagos, Iain received the SOS Grand Blue award in 1994. Iain was awarded the Chevron Conservation Award in 2006 and in 2014 the Annenberg Foundation listed Iain as one of 25 visionary leaders. In 2013, Iain recognized that drones could be the future of whale research and conservation.


David Gruber


Haruyoshi Kawai