Pratyusha Sharma

CS PhD Student, MIT

Project CETI : Decoding the Language of Whales

Project CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative), an interdisciplinary collaboration, hopes to develop algorithms and tools that assist future collection, processing, and analysis of multimodal streams of data in animal communication studies, including bioacoustic, behavioral, biological, and environmental data focused on Sperm whales.

PhD student in EECS at MIT advised by Prof. Antonio Torralba. Research goal is to understand what can be learnt from rich multimodal interactions (vision, touch and sounds) with objects (and people) in the world around us. With an interest in developing systems that enable robots to efficiently abstract knowledge across tasks, reason, understand goals and reliably interact in the real world. Supported at MIT by the Great Educators Fellowship and prior to a yearlong research internship advised by Prof. Abhinav Gupta at Carnegie Mellon University. Undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.


Tomás Saraceno


Claire Spottiswoode